May 30, 2010



to the following Award Recipients:
From left to right:
Ching Yong (Most Responsible Hildan)
Natasha (Most Wise Hildan)
Ariel (Most Sincere Hildan)
Denise (Most Humble Hildan)
Matthew (Most Inquiring Hildan)

May 18, 2010

Announcements for T2 W9/10

P1/1 Holistic Assessment Updates
* Math Performance Task- 21th May (Friday)
Topic : Shapes and Pattern
* 'Show & Tell' (Test) - 19 May (Girls) & 20 May (Boys)
Topic : My Favourite Animal
* English Reading Checklist - Ongoing
Topic Tested : NA
Extra Information
I will be meeting up with you during the
'Meet the Parent' session (27th May).
Glad to hear that most of you can make it.
Do bring along a folder/bag to bring back
your child's test papers and
dividers (provided by the school)
for the yellow Portfolio file.
To those who purchased the coupons for our I&E Carnival.
Hope you would have an enjoyable day on 25th May!
God bless one and all!

May 6, 2010

To All The Beautiful Mothers of P1/1

"God could not be everywhere
and therefore
He made MOTHERS."
-- Jewish proverb


Announcements for T2W8

P1/1 Holistic Assessment Updates
* English Writing Test - 7th May (Friday)
Topic Tested : NA
(A 'surprise' test to assess their writing skill)
* Math Performance Task- 10th May (Monday)
Topic Tested : Graph
(Similar to the group activity they did on Wed)
*English Topical Test 3- 13th May (Thursday)
Topic Tested : "I Want My Mum"
* 'Show & Tell' (Test) - 17th to 21st May
Topic : My Favourite Animal
(Each pupil will have a specified date to present)
* English Spelling Test - Ongoing (Weekly)

Topic Tested : NA
* English Reading Checklist - Ongoing
Topic Tested : NA
Extra Information
I will be having a chit-chat session with every pupil,
to know them better and to build our bond.
It will be carried out during recess,
just ten mins per pupil.

To those who are very generous
with your donation for the I&E Carnival.

God bless one and all!

May 5, 2010

SKM Colouring Competition

Congratulations to
Nicholas, Shannon & Ayishah!

The top three winners for the

Singapore Kindness Movement

Colouring Competition 2010


May 3, 2010

YOG Bookmark Winners

to the above winners
for submitting a beautiful bookmark each,
with the theme of 'teamwork',
in relation to the upcoming YOG 2010.